Daily Schmaltz

September 30, 2020

Privacy Policy

This site is published by John Carlsen, a.k.a. “Darth Matzo”, d.b.a. Syncopated Systems.

Intended Audience

This site is intended for use by people of all ages, including minors and those under 13 years of age.

The publisher will use reasonable effort to provide material that is appropriate for all ages.

Purpose of Data Collection

This site records minimal data about its users (you) for the purpose of providing amusement and mitigating malicious use.

To do so, this site also relies upon services provided by Google and its companies including YouTube. These appear to use another Google company, DoubleClick, which is known to this site’s publisher to request access to storage on computers belonging to its users, apparently for the purpose of tracking them.

Types of Data Collected

As with any site on the World-Wide Web, the IP address of the user may be collected and recorded.

Data submitted by users is generally used in aggregate.

No personally-identifiable information (PII) is collected unless it is expressly submitted by users, such as requests made through the contact page. None of this information will be published without the express permission of the user (or the user’s parent or legal guardian, if the user is a minor).

Effect of “Do Not Track” Signal

Because this site collects only minimal data, sending a “do not track” signal does not affect this site directly. However, as mentioned above, components of this site provided by third parties may act differently.

Blocking Trackers and Cookies

The publisher of this site recommends using blocking mechanisms for certain content (including cookies and trackers) that are commonly included in modern browsers; these appear to be effective.

Dissemination of Data

The publisher does not share collected data with others, and will use reasonable effort to protect collected data from unintended dissemination of data to others.

Changes to This Policy

The publisher reserves the right to change this policy at any time. Although the publsher will use reasonable effort to update the publication of this statement of policy, the pubisher reserves the right to change this policy without notice.

Daily Schmaltz is brought to you by Syncopated Systems.